Siam through the Lens of John Thomson

Siamese youth, photo by John Thomson. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

Siamese youth, photo by John Thomson. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

An exhibition of John Thomson’s photographs of Siam is running at the National Gallery in Bangkok. Thomson was a Scottish photographer, born in Edinburgh in 1837. He apprenticed to an optical and scientific instruments manufacturer and in 1856 followed evening classes at the Watt Institution and School of Art. His older brother was a photographer in Singapore, and in 1862 John followed in his footsteps. They were part of that diaspora of Scots, Irish, second sons and convicts who made up the rump of the British Empire.

Chests John Thomson used to carry his photographic equipment. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

Chests John Thomson used to carry his photographic equipment. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

The nautical instruments business in Singapore led to his own photography studio, capturing the ex-pats of the day in their imperial finery. But John Thomson had that quality so few people retain beyond childhood: curiosity. Ten years travelling in the Far East followed. His lens took in a broad spectrum of human life that had never seen a camera: kings, princes, mandarins and beggars.

He travelled to Siam in September 1865. The 65 photographs on show at the National Gallery in Bangkok date from a time when you could probably count on one hand the cameras in the country. Thomson used both full plate and stereo cameras, and a method called ‘wet-collodion’ to produce a negative on glass. The cumbersome cameras (made from hardwoods) and equipment, including chemicals, made his travels across difficult terrain all the more awkward. In Petchaburi he had six men to carry the equipment for him.

A group of monks and novices, 1867.

A group of monks and novices, 1867.

Thomson is an early street photographer and anticipates the photojournalism of the twentieth century. At the same time, his photographs formed the Victorian image of the Far East. Behind the coloniser is the missionary, the mapmaker and the photographer. Thomson’s endeavour was to record and classify with the eye of nineteenth-century social anthropology. In his later publications this orientalising tendency became more pronounced.

Frontispiece of John Thomson's The Straits of Malacca (

Frontispiece of John Thomson’s The Straits of Malacca (1875). Image courtesy of Beinecke Rare Book  & Manuscript Library, Yale University.

Writing from Brixton in 1874 – the year of the Japanese invasion of Taiwan – Thomson thought that “at last the light of civilisation seems indeed to have dawned in the distant East”. He took a number of photographs of men in the infamous Cangue punishment, a wooden board around the neck which prevented the person from eating or drinking unaided.


Two men punished with the Cangue in China. Photo by John Thomson.

His arrival at Paknam on the mouth of the Chao Phraya River is still vivid and full of detail, immediately recognisable to any old Thai hand:

The Menam, or Mother of Waters, is for some miles above its entrance a broad, sluggish, and uninteresting stream, flowing between low banks, and flat alluvial plains. When I visited Siam in the steamer ‘Chow Phaya,’ I went ashore at Paknam, the first town on the river, and made the acquaintance of a native officer who had charge of the customs station, and who honoured me with an audience at his residence. There I found him surrounded by a group of crouching slaves, by half-a-dozen children, and by as many wives … nor were tokens of refinement wanting, in embroidered wedge-shaped cushions, couches covered with finely-plaited mats, wrought vessels of gold or silver, and robes of silken attire. The cool and peculiar fashion of dressing the hair, adopted by both sexes, alike resembled an inverted horse-brush laid upon the crown of the head.

A Siamese boatman with his oar, photo John Thomson, circa 1865. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

A Siamese boatman with his oar, photo John Thomson, circa 1865. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

A Siamese nobleman, photo by John Thomson, circa 1865. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

A Siamese nobleman, Racha Chaya, photo by John Thomson, circa 1865. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

On journeying upriver to Bangkok, he enquired about the building materials of the many temples. “I learnt to my disappointment that these temples are nothing more than brick and mortar embellished with gilding, foreign soup plates, and bits of coloured glass.”

Thomson describes Wat Saket just outside the old walls of Bangkok, and site of the ‘yellow-shirt’ protest movement of last year when thousands sat hectoring, trying to remove the ‘red shirt’ Prime Minister.

The principal building at Wat Saket is a huge unfinished pile of bricks and mortar – intended, as I suppose, to symbolise Mount Meru, the centre of the Buddhist universe – the summit of which commands an extensive view of the palm groves, and house roofs of Bangkok …a court at the rear, where the bodies of the dead, who have no friends to bury them, are cast out to the dogs and the vultures to be devoured … in the centre stood a small charnel house, while the pavement round about was covered with black stains and littered with human bones, bleached white by the sun.

'Photography and Exploration', a wood-engraving from Gaston Tissandier, History and Handbook of Photography (1876) edited and translated by John Thomson).

‘Photography and Exploration’, a wood-engraving from Gaston Tissandier, History and Handbook of Photography (1876) edited and translated by John Thomson.

Soon he had an audience with Rama IV, King Mongut, who reigned from 1851- 1868. King Mongut is best known outside Thailand for his portrayal in the film The King and I, based on a fictionalised account of Anna Leonowens’ diary as a tutor at court. Leonowens is notoriously unreliable with the truth. Authenticity is a tricky subject, and nowhere more so than in Thailand where the written record can be sketchy. Historiography and hagiography are in dire need of disentanglement. Leonowens was in court attendance from 1862 to 1867 so she might have run into the young photographer in the gilded halls of power.

His Majesty was pleased to appoint a day on which I should take his own portrait as well. The King requested me to visit his abode on Monday, October 6, in the company of the Krummun-alongkot, a nobleman holding the position of chief astronomer, that is, head of the astrologers attached to the palace.

Siamese monk, 1865.

Siamese monk, 1865.

Thomson gives us a wonderful description of the interior of the Krummun’s room – a mix of East and West – at a time when Siam was looking to modernise but also to fend off the competing colonial powers of France (Cochin China) and England (Malaya & Burma).

In one corner there was a telegraphic machine, backed by a statue of Buddha. In the lap of the image there was a Siamese flute (the idol was off duty and under repair), and an electro-plated coffee-pot, which had evidently been forced into some unnatural use. There were also watch-tools, turning-lathes, and telescopes, guitars, tom-toms, fiddles, and hand-saws; while betel-nut boxes, swords, spears, and shoe-brushes, rifles, revolvers, windsor-soap, rat-paste, brass wire, and beer bottles, were mingled in heterogeneous confusion.

Rama IV, King Mongut, in royal attire on October 6, 1865. Photo by John Thomson. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

Rama IV, King Mongut, in Siamese regalia on October 6, 1865. Photo by John Thomson. Courtesy of the Wellcome Library.

Having photographed the king in two different attires – Siamese court robes and “a sort of French Field Marshal’s uniform” – Thomson was all the rage among the princelings, nobility, khunyings and assorted courtiers.

Rama IV, King of Siam, in European attire, 1865. Photo by John Thomson.

Rama IV, King of Siam, in European regalia, 1865. Photo by John Thomson.

The king invited him to attend the So-Kan or tonsure festival of the heir-apparent, Prince Chowfa Chulalongkorn, who “was deprived of the top-knot of his boyhood for the first time”.

Among the other photographs which I took on the spot, one represents his majesty as he receives his son and places him on his right hand, amid the simultaneous adoration of the prostrate host. Mrs. Leonowens, who ought to have known better, has made use of this photograph in a work on Siam which recently appeared under her name, and described it wrongly as ‘Receiving a Princess.’

Presentation of a prince (heir-apparent Prince Chula?) to Rama IV, 1856.

Presentation of a prince (heir-apparent Prince Chowfa Chulalongkorn?) to Rama IV, 1856.

Thomson witnessed a number of these topknot-cutting ceremonies performed with full Brahmanical rites. I attended a royal-sponsored rite of tonsure myself back in 1988, in the Brahmin temple near the Giant Swing. It’s a delightful ceremony. You can read about it here.

Siamese teenager with the traditional topknot. Attributed to John Thomson.

Siamese teenager with the traditional topknot. Attributed to John Thomson.

Thomson’s description of corruption in Siam reminds us that little has changed and that graft has deep roots.

I remember visiting a magistrate’s court in Bangkok, where a case of some importance was under investigation, and I noticed the same agencies at work there as in China, only that in the latter country the system of corruption is managed … with a degree of subtle polish and refinement.. the prisoners were shut up in a sort of cattle-pen in front, while their friends and supporters, laden with gifts of fruits, cakes, or other produce, crawled through the court in a continuous procession and presented their offerings for inspection as they passed the judge’s chair.

As I write, the former Prime Minister is being arraigned for ‘financial negligence’ by the current military regime. It’s a Siamese cat and mouse game.


Wife of minister at the court of Siam, 1865.

L0055544 Brother of the 1st king, Siam, [Thailand]

Thomson travelled to Petchaburi, a town I have been in and out of for a quarter century now, and for which I retain a particular affection second only to Ratchaburi. I didn’t know that Petchaburi benefited from an injection of English town planning, as Thomson explains:

The chief town, unlike Bangkok, was mainly built on land, and in some parts bore quite an English look. Thus, there were rows of well-built brick cottages, and a stone bridge across the river, broad enough and strong enough to sustain the traffic even of a metropolitan thoroughfare. The builder of this new town was a very clever young noble, who had visited England with the Siamese embassy, and who, at the time of my visit, was the deputy-governor of Petchaburee.

I wonder what happened to that lovely English bridge and the stone it was made from. I suspect the coming of the railways did away with it.

The river and bridge at Petchaburi, 1857. Photo by John Thomson.

The river and bridge at Petchaburi, 1867. Photo by John Thomson.

Thomson went on to photograph Angkor Wat in Cambodia, China and the East End of London. He clearly had an observant eye, an affinity for kings and ordinary people alike, and a sharp technique. His Siamese photographs capture the country and its people as they were at the dawn of the modern world, as they will never be again.

The monk and the prince.

The monk and the prince.

Monks and novices.

Monks and temple boys.

A Siamese prince, heir-designate Prince Chowfa Chulalongkorn, 1865.

A Siamese prince, heir-designate Prince Chowfa Chulalongkorn, 1865.


Bangkok Brutalism: Grand Postal Building

Fascist brutalism, Grand Postal Building Bangkok, 1940

Fascist brutalism, Grand Postal Building Bangkok, 1940

I popped over to the Central Post Office on Charoen Krung because somebody said it had had a facelift. It’s now called the Grand Postal Building. It’s the site of the first post office in Thailand, established in 1883, on what used to be called New Road, the first paved road in the city.

The pink garudas on the corners of the Grand Postal Building, Bangkok

The pink Garudas on the corners of the Grand Postal Building, Bangkok

The Grand Postal Building is a splendid example of brutalist architecture given a scrub and a lick of paint. The imposing edifice dates from 1940 and its architects were Miw Jitrasen Aphaiwong and Phrasarot Ratnanimman. Thailand was going through a phase of influence from German and Italian architects. There is something distinctly Fascist about the style. Mussolini encouraged the monumental, echoing his own aggrandisement and his revival of nationalist values. Examples of fascist brutalism can be seen in parts of Rome, especially in the EUR district. It was a short-lived style. Monumental, heavy, foursquare, with lots of muscular athletes: these are its trademarks.

A Garuda overseeing the Central Post Office building in Bangkok

The man-bird Garuda overseeing the Central Post Office building in Bangkok

The Khana Ratsadon คณะราษฎร or People’s Party was in power in Siam/Thailand at the time, having wrested the country from absolute monarchy in 1932. Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram was Prime Minister and virtual military dictator from 1938 to 1944 and 1948 to 1957. It was an architecture seeking to marry national identity and European influence. A number of up and coming Thai architects of the day had been trained in Germany and Italy.

Workers of Christiani & Nielsen in front of the Democracy Monument in 1940

Workers of Christiani & Nielsen in front of the Democracy Monument in 1940

Also in 1940, Christiani & Nielsen (Thai) Public Company Limited completed construction of the Democracy Monument. In 1941 Phibun had the Victory Monument erected to commemorate battles with the French in Cambodia and Laos. It was all about shaping the modern state with the twin pillars of democracy and victory.

The Reichchancellory in Berlin, 1930s

The Reichchancellory in Berlin, 1930s

I used to head down to the Central Postal Office late in the evening in the 1980s. At the time it was run by the Communications Authority of Thailand. The international phone exchange was open until midnight, or perhaps all night. There was often an interesting flora and fauna around the telephone booths. You had to book your call in advance and were directed to a booth. When time was up the operator would interrupt before cutting you off. It didn’t come cheap. I didn’t at all notice the architectural distinction of the building then. It was usually dark, swimming in that sombre fug that obscured Charoen Krung day and night.

Old-style Siamese letterbox

Old-style Siamese letterbox

But now I love it. What you see is what you get. The grey greenish stone is pointed in white. The windows recessed, lacking adornment. The ground floor has a blockhaus look. Everything tells you the army’s in charge, or the army’s proxies. The boys are back in town and nobody’s going to mess with them. It was a short-lived style, as I said.


Another old Siamese postbox, courtesy of W. T. Allen, London

Fine ironmongery on the main doors of the Central Post Office

Fine ironmongery on the main doors of the Central Post Office

The Bangkok Central Post Office in 1940

The Bangkok Central Post Office in 1940


Civil Disobedience and Reading


Glancing idly at the world going to hell in a handcart, I came across a report about Thai protestors – students mostly – publicly reading Nineteen Eighty-Four as a protest against the current military dictatorship. A read-in. Standing in malls and sky train stations, the new fora, they clutch their English copies of Orwell’s novel.

Orwellian Bangkok 2014

Orwellian Bangkok 2014, AP

Having taught the novel before 1984, during 1984 and in the decades afterwards, I feel entitled to a twinge of identification. I clicked the Like button. In Chiang Mai in the north of the country, a screening of the film Nineteen Eighty-Four has been cancelled because of police intimidation. Public readers of Nineteen Eighty-Four are being arrested in Bangkok. Thai authorities can only bear so much satire.

Bangkok protester, Daily Mail

Bangkok protester, photo by Alamy, Daily Mail

Such protests are based on the “Standing Man” civil disobedience which began in summer 2013 in Istanbul but which goes back to Gandhi’s salt protest against British imperialism. Standing your ground peacefully has an intrinsic Asian quality. The three-finger salute from The Hunger Games films has also become a symbol of resistance against the ruling junta, which has curtailed freedom of speech and the press.

The Hunger Games rebellion against totalitarian rule

The Hunger Games rebellion against totalitarian rule

Political assemblies of more than five people are banned under martial law. Flash mobs in downtown Bangkok have resulted in hundreds of arrests. It is good to see literature and resistance joining hands, especially so in Thailand where reading, it strikes me, has never been their thing.

"He who controls the malls controls the future."

“He who controls the malls controls the future.”

At the start of 1985 I was teaching reception class at a Montessori kindergarten in Bangkok. It was one of those posh little places for international kids. As I read to the tots, the drivers sat listening on the windowsills, waiting to take them home. Literacy and numeracy, water play on Fridays in the hot season. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, with an Indian girl as Goldilocks refusing to wear a blond wig. I taught them to form their letters and count on their fingers. I taught the time as I had been taught it – a big circle on the whiteboard with a small hand and a big hand. “But clocks aren’t round,” one little girl complained. It was that moment when circular time became the square face of digital, the 24/7 world.

Reception Class, Sathorn Kindergarten, 1985

One day I arrived at school to find that a coup d’état had been called earlier that morning. I was wondering why the shutters of the Chinese shophouses were down – always weathervanes for a coup – and the city relatively quiet. We cancelled school. When the minibus with the children arrived we turned it back around and I delivered these four and five year-olds safely home. Stopped at military checkpoints by young soldiers, we were waved through. By the time I got home the coup had blown over. It became known as the ten-hour coup carried out by General Serm na Nakhon. It never took off.

My old Thai press card from 1985.

My old Thai press card from 1985.

From there I moved to teaching in the Language Institute and the English Department at Chulalongkorn University. One course was a history of English Literature in twenty-four hours spread over a semester – some ajarn’s doctoral thesis, culled from encyclopaedias. Reception class was by far the more interesting and rewarding end of the reading spectrum. Something got leached from students by the time they arrived at the august, gold-spangled grove of academe that was Chulalongkorn University. My fellow lecturers, with some exceptions, were not readers. There was always a flutter of silk in the faculty lounge when the new air-mailed copy of Majesty arrived. Very few students took Thai literature as a subject and most who took and taught English were female. English was for women and wusses.

Me, Wayne Burns and Roger Hockenhull at Chulalongkorn University, mid-1980s.

Me, Wayne Burns and Roger Hockenhull at Chulalongkorn University, mid-1980s.

Real students did medicine, engineering and law – they followed the money. A predecessor at Chulalongkorn University in the 1950s had been the English poet D. J. Enright, whose Memoirs of a Mendicant Professor I’ve always liked.

It was difficult to sustain resentment for long in Thailand: a light, fragrant, mollifying oil flowed over everything. Smiles, graceful salutations, neatness, clean linen, gentle jokes, prettiness … there could be nothing seriously amiss in such a land.

Enright was alive to the machinery of autocracy this “mollifying oil” kept spinning. In November 1957 – Enright’s time – Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat had just staged a coup – a successful one – which kept him in power as Prime Minister until his death in 1963 – between the end of democracy and the Beatles’ first LP.

Making use of student howlers, Enright detects the pragmatism behind the smile.

‘”Fear no more the heat o’ the sun’ means: now we have air-conditioning.”

“‘Antony and Cleopatra had many strong emotions, but sir, it is too hot to think about them.'”

Thais appreciated literature with a moral. If it didn’t have a moral it wasn’t worth reading. I have sometimes detected this strain among young American readers. Literature is not up there among the eternal verities such as money, political correctness, success, good colleges and being popular – the New Puritan ‘values’. Our Thai Orwell protestors are pointing a moral by standing still and reading. The teacher in me wonders, though, if they are really reading – or are they only making a show of it? The spectacle might be the thing.

D.J. Enright by David Levine, New York Review of Books

D.J. Enright by David Levine, New York Review of Books

Enright describes the deliberate infantilisation of the 1950s Thai student as a form of political control.

Certainly Chulalongkorn University was one of the few educational institutions in the world where one could be sure never to encounter the old cliché about the purpose of education being to teach the student to think for himself. No, education meant a preparation for Thai society as it was and, with reasonable good luck, ever would be. If there were any changes to be made in Thai life or society (and nothing remains entirely static), they would be made by the appropriate authorities. And certainly not by students.

Changes in Thai society have occurred, of course, and some of them by students. Blood has been shed in the more left-leaning university. Chulalongkorn University has always been a bastion of the establishment, and the students tend to follow suit. These days a technological literacy prevails and opens up alternative avenues to enlightenment. The firm paternalism of the ruling élite, which Enright identifies in the 1950s, is still attempting to shape the story. Those tots I taught to read in 1985 must now be paid up members of that elite. Big Brother is on campus and in the malls.

John Henry Cardinal Newman's personal motto: "Heart speaks unto Heart".

John Henry Cardinal Newman’s personal motto: “Heart speaks unto Heart”.

I still have the presumption that universities educate the whole person and trace this back to John Henry Cardinal Newman. His essays were on the syllabus when I went to school. It seems like another world. I read his “Idea of a University” in my mid-teens. How much has changed?

Men, whose life lies in the cultivation of one science, or the exercise of one method of thought, have no more right, though they have often more ambition, to generalize upon the basis of their own pursuit but beyond its range, than the schoolboy or the ploughman to judge of a Prime Minister…

Newman is pointing out the limitations of the specialist. And that is the way the universities have gone: the technocrats have inherited the academy, the corporations run it. Newman’s idea of a university has died with mergers and acquisitions. If you can’t beat ’em, buy ’em.

The recent suspension by Warwick University of Thomas Docherty, professor of English and comparative literature and former head of the English department, tells us dissent has been muffled. The funding wars, pitting science and corporations, “performance assessment” are all part of the bring and buy sale. The academy is being kitted out as a business.

It is that time of year when foreign élites go shopping for an education for their kids on the campuses of Britain and America, sampling the “university experience”. The international students I teach will pay upwards of $60,000 per year for a US college experience. The British price tag is somewhat cheaper. A Scottish education is cheaper still. My students don’t know quite what to think when I tell them my education was free. In their minds price equals value.

An image from Occupy Wall Street

An image from Occupy Wall Street

Reading about the Orwell protests in Bangkok, I picked up again Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience and Reading, mistakenly thinking Thoreau was linking the two topics. But they are separate slim essays originally published in 1849 as “Resistance to Civil Government” and as part of his famous meditation Walden.

Most men have learned to read to serve paltry convenience, as they have learned to cipher in order to keep accounts and not be cheated in trade; but of reading as a noble intellectual exercise they know little or nothing.

I was well into adulthood before I realised the truth of this. Even further into my thirties when I copped on that many teachers are not readers. Definitely middle aged when it dawned on me that quite a few English teachers don’t read any books from one end of the year to the other. Of the class who have now inherited the academy – the managers, executives, technocrats, bullet-point people – the less said the better.

We are a race of tit-men, and soar but little higher in our intellectual flights than the columns of the daily paper.

The daily paper might be pushing it. Thoreau anticipates the feebleness of the LIKE button.

Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail.

Thoreau recognises the new brutalist economics, the grip of corporations on the body politic predicted by Neil Postman all those years ago.

But when the friction comes to have its machine, and oppression and robbery are organised, I say, let us not have such a machine any longer.

“Organised robbery” is as good a description as any of the banking crisis and the privatisation of public services. I picked up my copy of Civil Disobedience and Reading in Asia Books in Bangkok, in one of those glassy malls where the bookshops are full of designer tomes and business pablum.

The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress towards a true respect for the individual…. Even the Chinese philosopher was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire.

Reading Thoreau it struck me that The Tea Party call for “light government” goes back a long way – at least a long American way. These United States are only recently gathered around a peace following the Mexican-American War. “Light government” and its extreme – no government – is by and large the wish of settlers and self-made men.

Practically speaking, the opponents to a reform in Massachusetts are not a hundred thousand politicians at the south, but a hundred thousand merchants and farmers here, who are more interested in commerce and agriculture than they are in humanity, and are not prepared to do justice to the slave and to Mexico, cost what it may.

Thoreau’s stand for humanity is still being contested, its circumstances fresh. He’s facing the righteousness of the land-grab, of the me-first people. When a parent barrels in because their child hasn’t got the grade they wanted, I recognise the type. Pushy as all hell. Those readers of Nineteen Eighty-Four in Bangkok are facing the foot soldiers of the ruling élite. The best and the brightest don’t rule, but the wealthiest.

The power of reading

The power of reading

